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How do you dance in your country?
Posted by wonjun
9/27/2013  2:41:00 AM
I'm 55 years old, living in Seoul,Korea. I have been studying ballroom dance for 8 years and enjoying at dance studio only where most people do same as me. Actually, I would like to dance at other places like dancing club but no places in here. Of course, some group of people are lending a place like gym and dancing but it is special case.

Hpow about in other country? Is there any places for mid-aged or old people where open at all times? It's so easy to find night club in everywhere, but impossible to find dance club for the purpose of ballromm dance.

I really wan to know how and where aged ballroon dancer like me do dance in each country?
Re: How do you dance in your country?
Posted by nloftofan1
9/27/2013  9:00:00 AM
In Memphis, Tennessee (US), there are inexpensive regular weekly dances at city-run senior centers and community centers, many of them with live music. Other organizations and individuals (one "DJ" puts on weekly dances) also have dances.

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